
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Butterfly rainbow


Today I bring you a rainbow of butterflies!
The stamps are Craft's Meow Butterfly Kisses. The sentiment is actually gold, but I found it hard to photograph the sparkle of it.

I made this card for One Layer Simplicity Challenge #2. I had meant to enter Challenge #1 in celebration of the fact that One Layer Wednesday just became bigger and better, but time ran out on me!

I also made this card to celebrate Less Is More's 3rd Birthday, where they are celebrating with rainbows. :-)

While I had this little stamp set out, I made another simple one layer card.
The white sections of the fairy's wings sparkle. The simplicity of this card makes me smile.

And before I go, here is my Peggy, stretching herself up to her full 4-week-old height. The chicks are spending their days outside in the coop (they come inside at night still). They're hilarious to watch when I pop them in there - there are chicken races and wing-flapping competitions galore!
Thanks for dropping by to visit!



  1. Love the picture of your chick! Your cards are stunning...especially love the pop of color on the silhouette image.

  2. Lovely layout and a gorgeous rainbow of colour on your 'repeating card'. Your sweet silhouette card is very cute too.
    Heather T

  3. These are so very very pretty :)

  4. What really lovely cards... Great pic of the chooks too!
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  5. A gorgeous rainbow of butterfly kisses! The colours are so rich! What inks did you use? And Peggy is awesome! How fun to watch them grow up. :) What does Coco think of them?

  6. Rainbow colours, butterflies, fairies and sparkles ... it's a winning combination! Both of these cards are stunning :) I have this stamp set on my wish list, now I want it even more! :)

  7. I love both of your cards, those brightly colored butterflies are so sweet and your make a wish card...what a little doll of a stamp and love that you colored inside her wings.


Thanks for your comments! You make my day! Michelle.