
Sunday 3 July 2011

LIM22 - Shades of Blue


This is my entry for Less is More Week 22 challenge - Shades of Blue.  I chose to use a recent layout from the Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge, which I had wanted to enter, but ran out of time. Lucky for me, I hadn't even started stamping it, so I could choose to use blue!

My original idea was to use the Night of Navy cardstock as the card base, but then I wondered if navy blue counts as "White Space"?  I decided it wouldn't really look like white space with such a deep colour. So back to white card stock. I hope I have left enough feeling of white space on this card to meet the LIM requirements, I really worked hard to do so, and to keep it simple and "open" feeling.

What I used:
Stamps: PTI Botanical Silhouettes
Paper: (all SU) Whisper White, Night of Navy, Washington Apple
Ink: Night of Navy, Bashful Blue
Other: Silver embossing, rhinestones

I hope you like it. What do you think?

On another note, yesterday I received a blogger award from Sylvie (Gibmiss). Thank-you, Sylvie! It was a lovely surprise!

The 'rules' for accepting the award are to mention the blogger who gave you the award and link it back to their blog and pay it forward to 5 bloggers. So I have chosen the following 5 people:

And now I'm off to see if I can squeeze in one or two more cards before the end of the day (depending on how much longer the kids can amuse themselves and I can fend off that vacuuming that desperately needs doing).



  1. Absolutely lovely - crisp and enough white space to feel open! I think the white card base was a good choice. I used a Night of Navy card and after seeing so many white card bases in the challenge I wish I'd have gone that route!

  2. Terrific card for the LIM challenge, x

  3. A very lovely card for the LIM challenge as well as great layout.

  4. Really like your stamp and lovely layout :)

  5. Love this, super flowers!
    Great design
    Thank you very much
    Diva LIM
    "Less is More"

  6. this lovely, i love the lo too x

  7. Love the dark blue poppies, they look fab. What a surprise I just spotted my name on the blog award list...thankyou very much Michelle, I will pass it on at some point (I'm a bit naughty, still have two others to pass on yet)
    Jenny x

  8. It's a beautiful card, love the image. Hazel x

  9. This is just beautiful and the sketch you used really showcases your images.

  10. This is gorgeous! A lovely fresh, clean card :o) Lisa x

  11. Folly, your card is superb!! I love that stamp...(need to get mine out and get it inky! LOL!) Thanks so much for the're so sweet!!
    My Card

  12. Love the dark blue flowers...very nice card!

  13. Such a beautiful card. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela


Thanks for your comments! You make my day! Michelle.