
Thursday 10 July 2014

Case Study 199


I have had a busy few weeks! The nice part of this past week is that part of the busy-ness was caused by a little trip to the Gold Coast. We were greeted with the most stunningly perfect Queensland Winter weather! I might whinge all Summer long about the heat, but a beautiful Winter day at 22 degrees with the sun shining on the beach can't be beaten. :-)

I'm here to share my card for Case Study #199. Our muse is still the amazing Shari Carroll. I took the overlapping circles from the inspiration and made a card using inlaid die cuts. I added a few sequins for sparkle, and I was done! Fitting those die cuts together was a little like a jigsaw puzzle at times, lol!

Last week I forgot to mention our two guest designers for this month. Yes, TWO! And they are two amazing ladies who I count among my bloggy friends - Amy Tsuruta and Tenia Nelson. If you haven't met them before, make sure you take a wander over to their blogs and check out their fabulous work!

Okay, now, back to the Gold Coast. I thought I'd share some of the fabulous week-end.

The beach. The water was clear and perfect. The sky was clear and perfect. Just wonderful!
That's my kids playing. There was a big rip, so I had to keep asking them to come back closer to the beach, but they couldn't resist and kept going out into the water. I had visions of me having to get out there to rescue them, lol!
And the reason for our trip - the marathon! My hubby ran it exactly as he predicted - 3 hours 45 minutes. This was about 4km into the race, right outside our hotel. They ran back this way, too, at about 27km point.
And finally, one of the beautiful sunsets. No editing. This is straight from the camera.
Thanks for visiting!



  1. Beautiful photos Michelle and I love your CASE of Shari's card, just fantastic!

  2. Congrats to your hubby again! Amazing. The pictures of the beach look like perfection. Love how you mixed the papers for your card.

  3. Love your fun card with the circles and polkas!
    Congrats to your hubby! awesome pics!

  4. Gorgeous photos and so happy you shared them and a big congrats to your hubby too. Your card is so sweet too.


Thanks for your comments! You make my day! Michelle.