
Thursday 18 December 2014

I'm being featured at Paper Crafter's Library!


You could have knocked me down with a feather when I was invited to be the featured artist/designer at Paper Crafter's Library this week! What an honour!

The easy part was saying "yes!". The hard part was thinking what type of project would showcase my style. It had to be CAS, of course! Oh, how I agonised, lol! I ended up selecting the card and gift sets that I made for some of my daughter's school teachers and administrators when school finished a couple of weeks ago. I'm sharing two of them over at Paper Crafter's Library, plus an extra version.

Here is a sneaky peak at one of the sets. Inside those boxes, hidden by the bookmarks, are lovely handcreams.
You'll need to pop over to Paper Crafter's Library to see the rest!

Thanks for visiting!



Thanks for your comments! You make my day! Michelle.